Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Good Life-Album of the Year

Tim Kasher is self admittedly a drunken romantic, and that’s what drives his side project, The Good Life’s, Album of the Year. Kasher and friends have created an album that is essentially a collection of stories that revolve around the search for love, the inevitability of lust, the pain of loss, and the mixture of alcohol with all of the above.

Kasher, also a member of the influential Omaha band Cursive, shies away from the heavier sound of Cursive toward more acoustically driven songs. Although the Curisve sound leaks through on one or two tracks Cursive fans may not recognize Kasher in this form. Album of the Year brings out a softer side of Kasher that generally goes unheard in Cursive albums. The album, as a whole, feels very personal and private especially on tracks like “Lovers Need Lawyers” where Kasher states plainly, “I swear to speak the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, o so help me god I wasn’t cheating on you.”

Other tracks provide what seem like similar honesty but describe in detail Kasher’s escapades with women who are assumedly not his girlfriend. However, in tracks like “Inmates” and the album’s title track Kasher describes entire relationships from start to finish without mention of his extracurricular activity. From his first encounter with a long time girlfriend he sings, “The first time that I met her I was throwing up in a ladie’s room stall,” to his final meeting with her, “The last time that I saw her she was picking through which records were hers.” He does with such honestly and so realistically that it becomes easy to understand his pain and relate to it on some level. However, if you find yourself relating to this album too much you may want to consider drinking less.


  1. Love The Good Life.. but wouldnt know the sound or style of the music from the review if I wasnt familiar with Tim Kasher. Good getting into all of the drunken undertones n symbolisms!

  2. Great review, I definitely want to check this band out, but what kind of music do they play?
